The M7: The Super Elite Business Schools By The Numbers
The M7.
It’s the informal super elite group of seven private business schools generally considered to have the world’s best MBA programs. If you’re in business, you know their names: Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg, Booth, Columbia, and MIT Sloan.
如果你是從商領域或者念商科的同學,這七家商學院你一定不陌生: 哈佛商學院、史丹佛商學院、華頓商學院、凱洛管理學院、布斯商學院、哥倫比亞大學商學院、史隆管理學院.
-Harvard Business School @ Harvard University
-Stanford Graduate School of Business @ Stanford University
-Wharton School of Business @ University of Pennsylvania
-MIT Sloan School of Management @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-Kellogg School of Business @ Northwestern University
-Booth School of Business @ University of Chicago
-Columbia University Business @ Columbia University
另外補充四間在美國以Fashion 領域知名的學校
You can quibble forever over whether the Magnificent 7 really should be the Terrific 10, with Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business, UC-Berkeley’s Haas School, and Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business thrown in for good measure.
But years ago, the deans of these top seven schools decided to form their informal network to share information and to meet twice a year, and through the years, the group has been limited by the self-anointed seven instiutions. It’s not only the deans who get together. The M7 modality cascades down to meetings among vice deans, admission directors, career management directors, even PR and marketing types.
At the private sessions, for which the schools rotate hosting duties, business school officials trade gossip, best practices, and whatever topical issues end up on the agenda. In the aftermath of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and the onset of the Great Recession, for example, the deans discussed how their schools were responding to the collapsing job market. There’s a good bit of jealousy about these tete a tetes, especially from the deans of schools just outside the Magic 7, who privately gripe about how elitist the whole exercise is.
From an applicant’s point of view, the M7 is something else entirely: It’s the Holy Grail of the MBA Kingdom. Every year, there’s a sizable number of applicants who will only apply to the M7 schools or a subset of them, even though there are many other business schools that are just as or nearly as good. Indeed, for some candidates, a case can easily be made why the Tuck School or the Darden School at the University of Virginia might well be preferable to an M7 institution. After all, the cutoff at seven was arbitrary to begin with and was made at a very different time.
Still, the fascination with this mysterious group and these schools can turn into an obsession for any highly striving MBA candidate. Which is why we’ve put together this comparative look at the M7 players, comparing and contrasting them by everything from GMATs and GPAs to starting salaries and job offer rates.
Even among these elite schools, there are surprises. For the first time ever, the average GMAT score for Wharton’s incoming class in the fall of 2014 beat the Harvard Business School. Wharton said its mean GMAT–often considered something of a proxy for the quality of a class–rose to a new record 728, up from 725 in 2013, which represented a more sizable hike from a score of 718 in the previous four years. The new record is just two points higher than Harvard’s reported 726 average so the difference isn’t all that much. But it does send a signal that Wharton is aggressively playing the GMAT game in admissions, having increased its average score by a full ten points in the past two years.
Make no mistake. When it comes to the top seven MBA programs in the world, you’re looking at the best of the best–a fraction of the 1% of business schools that routinely attract among the best students, faculty, and corporate recruiters. They boast highly achieving alumni and valuable networks of influencials in nearly every walk of life.
Our guide:
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● 歷年來,迪恩斯已成功輔導上千位同學,順利進入英國名校,以及赴美、 加、英、澳、紐學習英文。
● 迪恩斯優異的口碑,在上班族、家長圈及全國各大專院校間傳開,造福更多 的學子,實現留學遊學的夢想。
● 我們的不同,因著我們重視『專業』與『品質』。
● 迪恩斯顧問,每年不定期出國親自考察。
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● 延聘各領域的資深專家,一對一職涯諮詢,選擇最適合該學生攻讀的學位。
● 以一對一『採訪式』寫作方法,由世界名校畢業的該領域資深顧問,親自量 身訂做,代寫最有力的英國留學申請文件。(履歷、讀書計劃、推薦信)
● 每年我們的專業團隊,將學生一個個送進英國留學名校,世界500大學府。
● 在迪恩斯,最大的資產就是顧問的功力。
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